Knightmare Series 6 was formed of 15 episodes. It was shown on Friday afternoons from 11 September - 18 December 1992.
Key facts
- Teams: 7
- Winning Quests: Team 5 (Crown).
- Longest Quest: Team 5 (55 mins).
- Shortest Quest: Team 4 (35 mins).
New characters
- Ah Wok
- Ridolfo
- Sidriss
- Captain Nemanor
- Greystagg, Queen of the Grey Sisters
- Heggatty / Peggatty
Other additions
- New life-force clock.
- Choice of paths room - all four quests available.
- New purpose-built dwarf tunnels.
- New monsters, including pookas and stormgeists.
- New titles and theme tune.
The dungeon had more fixed locations during Series 6, including Holmgarth (Level 1), WitchHaven (Level 2), and the Caverns of Gore (Level 3).