Merlin the magician

Series 1: Characters

By Keith McDonald

How many characters do you remember from the first series of Knightmare? See the first character list from 1987.

Treguard, the Dungeon Master

Treguard oversaw the rules of the game and sometimes offered guidance to the teams.

Treguard the Dungeon Master, played by Hugo Myatt. As seen in Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Treguard

Wall Monsters

Olgarth and Granitas guarded the Level 1 clue room and rewarded teams for correct answers to riddles.

Olgarth and Granitas were identical wall monsters seen in Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Wall Monsters

The Giant

The giant occupied a ledge in Level 1 and was not particularly fond of intruders.

The giant, played by Edmund Dehn in Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about the Giant


A challenging and uncompromising sorceress found by the Serpent's Mouth in Level 1.

Lillith, a sorceress played by Mary Miller in Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Lillith

Folly, the Jester

Folly the Jester advised in riddles and was a source of amusement and bafflement.

Folly the Jester, as played by Alec Westwood in Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Folly

Cedric, the Mad Monk

Cedric was an intimidating presence who interrogated dungeoneers at the start of Level 2.

Cedric the Mad Monk, as played by Lawrence Werber in Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Cedric


The magician of legend could be summoned using a range of magical apparatus in his library.

Merlin the Magician, played by John Woodnutt, as seen in Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Merlin


A cavalier guard who usually demanded a password. Teams sometimes had to resort to magic.

Gumboil the Knight, played by Edmund Dehn in Series 1 of Knightmare (1988).

More about Gumboil


This sullen Celtic guard was handy with his fists and guarded the wellway to Level 3.

Gibbet, the celtic guard, played by Alec Westwood in Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Gibbet

Casper the Key

Casper was a large talking key that could help teams navigate the perils of Level 2.

Casper, the talking key, as seen in Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Casper

Mug the Gargoyle

The gargoyle's blue mood could drain life force unless he was cheered up.

A press snippet from the TV guide advertising the first episode of Le Chevalier du Labyrinthe.

More about the Gargoyle Room

Series Credits

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Bell and Bridge

The alternative bell/bridge entry room from Series 1 and 2 of Knightmare.

This room was an alternative starting room in the first two series of Knightmare. Dungeoneers had to trigger a bridge to reach the exits.

Series 1 Quest 3

Series 1 Quest 3 receive help from Casper the Key at the Moving Keyhole

Team 3: Simon, Simon, Jonathan and Steven from Yorkshire.

Gargoyle Room

The Gargoyle Room, found in Level 3 during the early series of Knightmare.

The gargoyle was found in Level 3. Some of the teams that encountered it had to answer a riddle or improve its mood until it released the exit.

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