Series 2, Team 10 encounter the Medusa in Level 3.

Series 2: Level 3

By Keith McDonald

Level 3 of the Series 2 dungeon included the Stained Glass Window, the Medusa, and our first glimpse of the end of the dungeon.

Skeleton Room

The Skeleton Room, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about the Skeleton Room

Gargoyle Room

The Gargoyle Room, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about the Gargoyle Room

Level 3 Clue Room

A variant of the Level 3 clue room, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Clue Rooms

Cavernwight Cavern

The Cavernwight Chamber, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Cavernwight Cavern

Wall of Jericho

The first part of the Jericho Room (the wall), based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 1 of Knightmare (1987).

More about Jericho


The Medusa, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).

More about the Medusa

Dragon Room

A variant of the dragon room, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).

More about the Dragon Room

Stained Glass Window

The Stained Glass Window, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 3 of Knightmare (1989).

More about the Stained Glass Window


The Guillotine Room, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).

More about the Guillotine

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Series 2: Level 1

The level one dungeon bomb room.

The first level of the Series 2 dungeon included a new Wheel of Fate chamber and a kitchen. All rooms are based on authentic handpainted designs.

Series 2 Quest 13

Series 2, Quest 13. Karen is hindered by a broken bridge at the Vale of Mogdred.

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